Whilst out in the Alps again I was splitting my time between the medics I came on holiday with and my old friends from last season who were across the valley. I spent a couple of nights with each, and awkward moments were abundant on both sides….of course!
My nights with the medics were spent in a similar way to many people who go on uni trips – lots of dressing up and compulsory drinking. On my penultimate night with the medics the theme was “onesies”; for those who live under a rock a onesie is like wearing a jersey material shell suit, its completely enclosed with a long zip down the front. The problem of being completely hemmed in will become apparent later.
Onesie night went much like many others – drinking, dancing, more dancing.. etc…. (and for anyone who’s seen my dancing you know that’s an awkward moment all of its own) Later in the evening I was in the queue for the loo with a girlfriend and we decided to go into a cubicle together to save time, I watched the wall while she peed and then all swap and she watched the wall while I did the same.
Until…. she got bored and opened the door onto the whole multisex bathroom who turned to look at me, on the loo. I was wearing my onesie but of course to go to the loo it has to be pulled round by the ankles, so I was caught peeing in front of everyone in my underwear.
I have had a great many awkward moment in my life but this has to come in my top 5. I didn’t know what to do while everyone was actually pointing and laughing, it was like something out of a rubbish American high-school teen rom-com movie! And the worst part was I didn’t know what to do with myself, I certainly couldn’t stand to shut the door, so I just…… waved! Yes, I did a double handed wave and a thumbs up like an idiot.
From this episode I have learned; never wear a onesie out unless you’re prepared to wear full clothing underneath, never trust another person in a toilet cubicle and devise a response in advance in case you’re ever caught on the loo with no clothes on!